Spring 2023 Life Update

Our first quarter of the year has passed. Here’s how that’s going!

Net Worth: $701,433


Latest cool place we’ve been:


That would be beautiful South Korea from a few months back!

I recently wrote this piece for CBC, which was pretty popular: CBC Article

We have just hit another milestone by crossing the $700,000 mark, and our net worth has increased by $51,436 since our January update.

Our spending year-to-date is sitting at $8,814, compared to $8,488 on this day in 2022. However, it’s about to get a lot higher, as after several years of zero or minimal travel, we’re going back to Europe shortly!

If we retired today, our income would be a respectable $2,338/month.

Our savings rate currently sits at 69% for the year, though we expect that to decline as our travel spending reappears.


  1. I love the updates and always cheer you on from afar.

    Has inflation changed your target number? At your last year’s spending you would probably need around CAD 775 at 4% WR, or do you aim for higher spending or lower WR? Seems you are getting rather close to the finish line! If Cel does a bit of editing or you guys do some odd jobs here and there, you would probably be ok to retire already today.

    What European countries are planned for the trip? Cheers from across the pond!

  2. Your video interview on Exploring Alternatives is one of my favorites on YT. At 59, I’ve been living a fairly frugal life since I can remember, thanks in part to my grandparents’ influence and also because, with no internet, opportunities to spend were far fewer when I was growing up, which meant far less temptation. Frugality has always been a lightning rod for extreme feelings pro or con, and I’ve encountered a fair amount of criticism about some of our choices (including criticism from our former neighbors, who — ironically — were foreclosed on for not paying their mortgage). Although I’ve done/tried most of the “frugal hacks” found on the internet (and elsewhere), now I find my biggest pleasure comes from discovering other people on the same journey — especially young people. Thanks so much for sharing and best of luck in your goals!

  3. I just came across your blog and binge read it, Iā€™m very inspired! My partner and I arenā€™t aiming for total FIRE. Rather, our current goal is to work at least one less day per week per decade (4 days a week 30s, 3 days a week 40s, 2 days a week 50s). I donā€™t relate to most FIRE/frugality bloggers: Iā€™m not making an insanely high salary, I have no interest in real estate as investment because I think itā€™s unethical, and I donā€™t want kids. I love that you both make average salaries, live on the west coast, travel often, and have lots of interesting hobbies. Do you have any suggestions of other Canadian bloggers like you?

  4. Does you spending include the taxes you pay? I think that is my single biggest expense, and last year including SS and Medicare payments I paid 22k in taxes, and I believe the total for this year will be much higher.

  5. Congratulations! So happy for you guys!

    I had a couple of questions. Has your FI number changed since you started on this journey? Have you thought of what you would want to do once you achieve FI now that you are this close?

    Also, a suggestion. Would love to read more about your travel adventures too! Where you stayed (I vaguely remember you mentioning that you prefer cooking than eating out on travel as well)? Would you recommend the place you stayed at? What all places you saw or things you did? What places to eat did you try? Also, general travel tips if you’ve discovered any.

    Lots of love and best wishes from Seattle! Let me know if you ever plan to drive down. I will be happy to meet up or at the very least recommend some places around here for you’ll šŸ™‚

  6. Congratulations on hitting $700,000.
    So sad to hear you have been subjected to such negativity.
    You two are an inspiration on so many levels.
    Health, wealth, environmentally friendly and sustainable, enjoy simple things in life that provide a lot of pleasure and happiness and traveling the world.
    Thank you for sharing your journey through you blog and also exploring alternatives.

  7. You saved my life, you are my inspiration and as a homage, once we hit 100,000 we will bake cookies to celebrate.

    My wife said that because sheā€™s too cheap, after hitting 100,000 she would freeze the Zeros cookies and we will eat only the first number, and from then bake only the 2, the 3, the 4ā€¦ haha!

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