Our Journey Thus Far – in Numbers!

-Written by Steph

It’s always nice to look back at the path that’s brought you to today. This post is a brief summary of the year by year process of the first half of our early retirement journey, detailing that slow, sucky process that everyone hates – the waiting time where your net worth increases are almost entirely from savings, and your investment returns are minimal. Luckily, it only lasts a few years! Here’s where we’ve come from so far… Continue reading

The Incoming Assets Retirement Strategy

-Written by Steph

Given the current uptick in readership of our blog, along with the overall increased interest in financial independence and early retirement (FIRE), it seems timely to do a post that thoroughly describes the exact system we use in our pursuit. We’ve fine-tuned it over the years, and have come up with a strategy that allows us to build wealth quickly on average incomes and with minimal ongoing effort. Here it is! Continue reading

Saving Money on Groceries – Nightly News Edition

-Written by Cel

One of our local stations, Global News, has a segment called “Consumer Matters”. They were doing a piece about groceries, as food prices are expected to rise in Canada. One of their reporters found our blog and got in touch with us about starring in this piece.

The end result – we were on the 6 o’clock news today! Here is a link to the video (about 3 minutes long):

How a Vancouver couple spends $230 a month on food

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